our team.

"Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all it's many parts form one body, so it is with Christ." - 1 Corinthians 12:12

meet our pastors.

These are our pastors you'll see speaking from the front any given Sunday.

Bruce Stefanik

Senior Pastor

Jason Treadwell

Senior Associate Pastor
Bruce and his wife Linda have been in full time ministry for 38 years. Before pastoring in Oregon Bruce and Linda with their two sons served together as full time missionaries for 16 years. Based in Southwest Mexico, they served on the National Leadership Board for Youth With a Mission from 1993-2000 helping pioneer a number of ministry centers and develop a church planting structure focused on indigenous church growth and outreach. They have been married for 44 years and they share a passion for discovering, developing and deploying the emerging leaders of this generation to see God’s kingdom come on the earth as it is in heaven.
Jason and Tricia met at church camp when they were just kids and have served together in ministry for over thirty years. About half of that time was in missions and half in pastoring. Jason’s hope is to communicate God’s holiness and love to community through biblical teaching and service. They have two forever kids and have had multiple foster babies.

daniel da silva

Salem Campus Pastor

alfonso martinez

Keizer Campus Pastor
Daniel had been serving on the mission field with Youth with a Mission alongside his wife Daniele for over 20 years before joining Church on the Hill. Upon arriving in Salem in 2014 they joined COTH community and four years later, Daniel joined the team as Youth Pastor. Currently, Daniel is serving as the Salem Campus Pastor, and his passion is to encourage and inspire people to have the courage to live their lives according to God’s purpose that will bring glory and honor to Him. 
Alfonso attended Boise Bible College in 2009 with a focus in pastoral ministries. During his time in Idaho, he interned as a youth pastor, served as a Worship Pastor, and Sunday Service coordinator. He came to Church on the Hill in 2016, attended a Youth with a Mission Discipleship Training School, and finally joined our staff in 2017. He has served in many positions throughout COTH and is currently our KeizerCampus Pastor. His dream is to see the power of the gospel reach out into the community of Keizer and transform lives. 

matt thatcher

Executive Pastor
As an elder and board member, Matt has served Church on the Hill for many years.  Prior to coming on as Executive Pastor, Matt was teaching and leading in the Cascade School District for over 20 years.  Matt brings this extensive administrative experience to both COTH and Crosshill in this new role.  Matt graduated from Biola University, which included a minor in biblical studies.  He has advanced degrees from both University of Oregon and Portland State University, but clearly realizes that these are only useful as they support ministry and furthering the Kingdom of God both locally and globally.

meet some more pastors & ministry leaders.

We have a wonderful, dedicated team of Pastors and Ministry Leaders
working in and throughout the body and into our community.

Jimmy Miller

jimmy miller

Diana Miller

Associate Pastor
Pastoral Admin
Jimmy grew up in in Ash Valley, Oregon and served in Children's Ministries as a teenager. He also joined YWAM Salem in 1982. He's married to Diana, our Pastoral Admin - they make a great duo! Jimmy loves growing God's family, it's the best family to be a part of. He loves to find ways to bring joy to God's heart while encouraging and serving our team. In Jimmy's spare time, he loves woodworking, growing food and enjoys spending time with people and his family.
Diana grew up in a small community north of Seattle, where she served in Children's Ministry as a teenager. After that, Diana joined YWAM in 1983. Her and Jimmy, our Associate Pastor, got married in 1987 and continued to serve in the Salem community. Diana is passionate about doing whatever assignment God gives her whole-heartedly and creatively. She enjoys helping people, watching them grow together, and being a part of God's family. She loves flowers, growing food in her garden, and spending time with people.

mason shaw

Youth Pastor - Keizer
Mason graduated with a degree in Christian ministry from Corban University while playing baseball. He loves Jesus, fishing, reading and walks with his wife, Carlie. Mason desires to see kids know Jesus intimately. He is passionate about helping kids grow in their knowledge of the Word, their relationship with Him and as disciples who go make and disciples. 

micah herring

Middle School Pastor - Salem
Micah grew up in a missions minded family giving him a big heart for people. Micah loves coffee, disc golf, and hanging out with family. He and his wife Samantha have two sons, David and baby Ezra. The Herring’s have been helping out with the youth at Church on the Hill for two years, and are excited to continue seeing God work. 

Taylor wilkins

High School Pastor - Salem
For the past eight years, Taylor has worked with youth through Fellowship of Christian Athletes and as one of Church on the Hill’s youth pastors. It is here that he found a passion for engaging, equipping, and empowering students to be disciple-makers. Taylor loves to see youth come alive in their faith and love for Jesus! Taylor and his wife Melissa have two wonderful kiddos: Judah and Georgia.

Nicole Darby

Young Adults Pastor
Nicole has been seeking God’s heart for the young adults in the community for over a decade. Her desire is to equip this generation to boldly embrace the calling that God has on their lives. Nicole spent five years working with middle school students at Howard Street Charter School before joining the Church on the Hill staff in 2015. She completed a Certificate of Ministry Leadership at Northwest University where she is continuing her education toward a bachelor’s degree in ministry leadership and psychology.


Life Group Director
Daniele previously served as a missionary to Brazil, New Zealand, Philippines and South Africa within Youth With A Mission since 1995, and joined Church on the Hill upon arriving in Salem in 2014. She is married to Pastor Daniel and they have two children, Julia and Josue. She now serves our Youth Ministries as admin and has a heart to seeing this generation pursuing a purpose driven life for God. She loves spending time with her family and her family church. When she is not at church, her second home, probably she will be at her craft room working on new projects.

Joy Hoge

Kid Nation Director - Keizer Campus


Kid Nation Director - Salem Campus
Joy is a mom of three and wife of one, and as highly organized as she like things, most of her days include more than one curve ball...such a good place to be (‘yay’ for the magic eraser). Her family loves all things culinary and say collectively that their dream vacations would always revolve around food (a second 'yay' for the invention of the treadmill). Her greatest life lesson? The value of community - on this, she can't say enough. 
Christina Watkins has been attending COTH since 2013 and serving in Kid Nation since 2018. She’s been married to her “youth group sweet-heart” Josh, since 2006, together they have three children, Zachary, Grace and Noah. “One of the most rewarding things about leading our Salem campus children's ministry is partnering with parents in the discipleship of their kids. Helping equip them to walk out their faith with courage and boldness." 


Head Worship Coordinator
Leia oversees the COTH Worship Department as a whole for both our Salem and Keizer campuses. She and her husband met while serving on worship teams at COTH in 2010. On any given Sunday you may hear the sound of their two young children trying out the drum kit after service.

Tiffany zistel

Asst. Worship Coordinator - Salem
Tiffany has been serving in worship at Church on the Hill for 14 years. Tiffany and her husband Ryan have a tremendous heart for worship - Ryan plays drums! - and seeing our congregation praise Jesus. Tiffany deeply enjoys spending her free time with family and friends.

meet the operations staff.

Our small, yet mighty, Ops team.
They're kinda the best.

michelle talmage

Mike Hoge

Head of Finance & Operations
Office Administrator
Michelle has been with COTH since 1990. She served as our Childen's Director from 1991-1995, on the school board from 2000-2010 - with all three of her kids attending WCS/CCS. She became part of our Business Office in June 2011, now part of the Executive Team as Head of Finance and Operations. She absolutely loves her family and is thoroughly enjoying her grandchildren.
Type your new text here.

hunter martinez


Keizer Campus Admin & Volunteer Coordinator
Sunday Admin & Volunteer Coordinator
Hunter is our Keizer Campus Admin and Volunteer Coordinator. She has been with Church On the Hill since 2016 and is married to Pastor Alfonso. Together, they have a 1-year-old daughter named Willow. Hunter loves learning new skills and has more hobbies than she can count.
Courney moved from Hawaii with her husband and two daughters. She met her husband in YWAM, where she spent several years.  They love camping in the summer and love being outside anytime the suns out! Some of her favorite things to do are baking, sewing, painting, and hanging out with her family. Her heart is for community, serving God, and being used by Him to those around her. She enjoys working at Church on the Hill because of the community and the eager hearts hungry to serve God.



Business Admin
Janelle loves numbers (ha!)...The mission of Kingdom-building and discipleship drew her, and she's so thankful to serve with such an amazing staff.  On her days off Janelle loves hanging out with her 7 adorable grandkids, being outdoors, traveling and scrapbooking God's blessings. 
Accounts Receivable
Lisa has been married to Tim for over 45 years has 5 wonderful daughters and 14 awesome grandkids. She has called COTH her home for over 23 years. She loves spending time with family, playing golf with Tim and friends and enjoys gardening and most outdoor activities. 

meet the facilities team.

They quite literally keep the buildings functioning. They're also the best at having fun.

If you want to learn more about the maintenance team, you'll have to go find them.
They're too busy keeping the campus running to fill out their bio!

Todd Hafner

Facilities Director

trina bailey

Environmental Services

Ben sutton

Facilities Thing 2

meet the media team.

We're responsible for what you see and hear at Church on the Hill. ("we're" as in we made this website.)

David Iliyn

Technical Director
David is our resident expert in all things audio and video. If we listed all the talents he blesses the church with, you wouldn't take us seriously. He's mostly responsible for audio - but he also took all these photos. Apart from the world of audio, David is a skilled craftsman and his handcrafted furniture can be found in restaurants and cafes all over the Mid-Willamette Valle.

ethan pierce

Video Editor

Meet the Elders, Deacons, & Board of Directors.

The ministry, legal, and overseeing arms of Church on the Hill. These are
the men and women chosen to be spiritual leaders within the body,
aiding in ministry operations throughout our community.

Board of Directors

This group consists of the Senior Pastor, three or more Elders, and other members elected to the board.

Bruce stefanik


Jason bennetT


Sandra Brower


bryce peterson


bill armstrong


cory McDonald


michelle talmage 


Matt Thatcher


jason treadwell


adam kronberger


The elders are the ministerial body of the church overseeing all church affairs.
They are responsible for overseeing the integrity of church doctrine and ministries
to its church body, its neighborhoods, and the world.
Elders are appointed by the Senior Pastor and ratified by the Body of Elders.


The deacons are the servant leaders of the church. They are responsible for leading
in the frontlines of ministry to the church body and its neighborhoods.
Deacons are appointed by the Body of Elders.

got any questions for us?
send us a message and get connected!